As an Internet Marketer, you can’t do everything yourself. There just isn’t enough time.
Of course, that’s assuming that you have the skills to do everything yourself.
My guess is that you don’t. Not many people know how to do all of the following: write well, create websites, create graphics, create marketing funnels and more.
I know I sure don’t!
So how can you get all this stuff done?
You already know the answer to this…
Dennis Becker just released a book called “Outsourcing for IMers”, where you’ll learn what to outsource, and how to outsource it.
You’ll learn how to find a good person to outsource to, how to pay them, and everything in between.
If you’ve never outsourced something, but love the idea of having something done that you just can’t do (because of skill or time), you need this book.
You may think you don’t have the budget to do this…but did you know that you can get many things done for just $5?
I know because I’ve done it myself!
If you have any questions about outsourcing…and want to make sure you do it right, check out Outsourcing for IMers: