Free Training: See Real Amazon Products You Can Sell Now!

Amazing Selling Machine - Google Hangout

There’s been a lot of excitement about Amazing Selling Machine opening their doors. I hear from people all of the time asking why Matt Clark and Jason Katzenback give away such great information for free.

Well, here’s the truth: Matt and Jason have trained some of the top sellers on Amazon today. They have an abundance of knowledge and, really, they just want to see regular people succeed at this business.

So, when I heard that they were going to hold a LIVE Google Hangout discussing how to make $1 work harder, I wasn’t even surprised. They’ve promised to show how a little $1 product insert or $1 packaging “hack” can drastically change the perceived value of an item. It can even doubling the revenue!

(Hint: This little trick is used by Apple every time they sell any product.)

And isn’t that what big name companies do ALL the time? It’s never really about the cost but about what it’s worth TO THE CONSUMER.

Yeah, this Google Hangout is going to be HUGE. Plus, they’ve invited some of their previous students to talk about their experiences the material provided. So make sure you sign up below.

Don’t forget to BOOKMARK the thank you page. That’s where the live video will stream (but I’m told they’ll send you a reminder an hour before).

Sign up for Jason and Matt’s Free Google Hangout Now!