Free Facebook Ad Tips

Ryan Deiss Facebook Ad Power

By now you’ve probably heard about Ryan Deiss and his latest product, Facebook Ad Power. He found that you can get a lot more target traffic from Facebook, as well as pay a lot less than you would with Google AdWords.

You’ve probably even seen the free video he has talking about Facebook and why it is better – and why you should use it to make more money online.

But one thing you might have missed, is the 3 free Facebook Ad tips at the end. Once you’re at his page, type another URL at the top. You’ll then get a pop-up box asking if you want to leave..but if you hit “cancel” and stay, you’ll get something special.

That something special is a short video showing you 3 great (FREE) Facebook Ad Tips. I thought it was very helpful for someone who doesn’t use Facebook to advertise, and shows exactly how targeted you can get!

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