As I mentioned yesterday, Jimmy D. Brown is getting ready to retire all of his products, and first up is SR Zone.
While getting ready to take the site down, he realized that his affiliate manager Nicole and he had planned on adding several small reports to the site that they never got around to doing.
In fact, Nicole had a download page and the files prepped for one great report entitled, “The Ultimate Free Traffic Model”. It was originally part of one of Jimmy’s larger products and they had extracted it to sell on the site for $15.00 along with the other reports.
While he easily COULD have sold hundreds of copies of the report this week as part of his retirement, he decided to give away complimentary copies of this paid report.
Yes, you read that correctly. You can get it for free. No lists to join, no charge at all.
You can download “The Ultimate Free Traffic Model” right now for free.
Make sure you download your copy now though. When he shuts down the site on Friday at 10pm central time, this freebie will be gone too. So you might as well get a free copy while it’s still around.
While you’re there, don’t forget…
Friday is the LAST day to purchase any of his small reports at SR Zone. And remember, all of the products are on sale for $10.00 each, so no matter what the price says in the sales letters, once you put the item in your cart it will show up as $10.00.
If nothing else, make sure you download your complimentary copy of the unreleased paid report by Friday night.
Download yoru FREE copy of “The Ultimate Free Traffic Model”