Hire Full Time Workers for $300 a Month

John Reese just posted a new video that you’re going to love – assuming you like the idea of hiring a full time worker for $300 a month.

In this video, he talks about outsourcing, and how it’s really not that expensive to do so.

Here’s just some of what he shares in the new video:

  • Web sites you can use today to find people to hire for $300 a month – FULL TIME.
  • The magical device (it’s not an iPad) that turns ideas into auto-pilot cash flow.
  • A special task that you can give anyone to find out if they are a “good” worker.
  • Why you should avoid outsourcing firms at all costs. (you’ll find out how John lost over $100,000.)
  • The inexpensive software John calls his “money-making delegation machine.”
  • …and much, much more!

Watch the Video Right Now!