Author: Jessica Mele

I'm Jessica Mele and have been an online entrepreneur for over 16 years. My goal is to help you start or grow your business on your own terms. You can start and grow a successful business the way that you want to! If you have problems figuring out what to promote or talk to your audience about, check out Affiliate Marketing Monthly, where every month you'll get ideas on what to talk to your audience about, and what to promote so that you'll be happy and so will they!

JV Attraction Formula

If you haven’t heard of Andy Hussong yet, you’re about to. Just in case you didn’t know, Andy was John Reese’s right hand man for a few years. One of …

Auto Blog Samurai Bonuses are Almost Gone

Yesterday I told you about an incredibly powerful blogging software… Thousands of people have already downloaded the software, and are already building their brand new profitable blogs in minutes. If …