This morning I wrote a post about Ryan Deiss’s free presentation which talks about why you should use videos to sell products instead of long copy salesletters.
I just wanted to give you a few more details on why I think you’ll like them before you go watch the video…but if you haven’t watched the video yet, I’d really suggest spending the few minutes to do so.
I’m sure you’ll learn a lot from the free video, and that you’ll totally change the way you think of selling something online! Why does Ryan like the idea of video salesletters…and think that you will to?
- They only take minutes to create
- Your face is NEVER on the video
- You don’t have to use your own voice
- They REPLACE old websites
- They sell 300% BETTER than salesletters
Go watch the free presentation now, and get step-by-step instructions on how to create video salesletters so you can make 3x the sales as with a “regular” salesletter!