I’m sure you’ve heard about flipping domains before.
The goal is to buy a cheap domain, and then sell it for a lot of money.
You might think this is difficult to do, or that you may get stuck holding onto worthless domains, but this is where Zach comes in. Zach was working at Wendy’s when he bought a domain for $9.95, and sold it 48 hours later for $3,000. Not too bad for someone making $8.00 an hour right?
Well, after some time, he found out how he can find out what domains people want to buy…and then buy it. This way he knows for sure it will sell, and won’t be stuck with worthless domains.
Ryan Deiss just put up a really great video talking about Zach and his story. If you’ve wanted to have your own one person business, but didn’t have a ton of capital, then you’re going to love this video.