On June 7th, at Noon, Wealthy Affiliate will indeed be more than doubling in price. They will go from $39 a month to $97 a month.
This is why you need to join Wealthy Affiliate today. So you can be grandfathered in to the $39 a month, and save money on your education.
I am a current member, and while I do believe Wealthy Affiliate is worth more than the $97 they will be charging for it, I firmly believe in saving money. So if you can get it for $39, why pay the extra money each month? I know I’m glad I won’t be paying more than I am now.
Of course, I won’t have to worry about it…as I’ve been a member for over a year, so like anyone else that joins by June 7th, I’ll continue paying $39 a month.
Where else can you get one-on-one help, an incredible forum, really helpful software tools, training, and more for that kind of price?
Absolutely nowhere that I know of.
Plus, the people on here are really helpful, and will answer your questions and help you get past whatever you’re having problems with!
Don’t believe me that the price is going to jump so much? Read the Wealthy Affiliate Blog where they talk all about the price increase, and why they’re doing it.
As you can see…Wealthy Affiliate really offers a lot for your money. If you’re serious about making a living online, or even just making a part-time income online…they will help you get there. But you have to take action fast if you want to do it for only $39 a month.