Make Money with Your Unused PLR Sitting on Your Hard Drive (Lazy Mans Paycheck)

Lazy Mans Paycheck

Do you have any PLR sitting on your hard drive that you haven’t used?

When you bought it, you probably thought you’d use it right away, and make a lot of money off of it.

But once you had it, were you not sure what to do with it?

If that’s your problem, you’re going to want to see the product that Stuart Stirling just released.

It’s called Lazy Mans Paycheck – PLR Paydirt.

In it, you’ll get to watch Stuart as he sets up, sells, and profits on auto pilot using regular PLR products in 7 days or less.

It’s REALLY inexpensive as well, so you won’t have to spend much to find out how to make a lot off of your PLR that’s just sitting there unused.

He says that even if you’re the worlds laziest marketer, that you’ll still be able to do this.

Here’s what you’ll get inside:

  • Module 1: What is PLR and How You Can Profit with it
  • Module 2: Mind-Mapping the Sales Funnel
  • Module 3: Naming Your Product, Domains, and Hosting
  • Module 4: Editing PSD Graphics with Free Software
  • Module 5: Creating a Minisite Design from Scratch
  • Module 6: How to Create New e-Covers
  • Module 7: Editing and Rebranding PLR e-Books
  • Module 8: How to Rebrand PLR Videos
  • Module 9: Squeeze Page and Auto-Responder Setup
  • Module 10: How to Edit Your Sales Page
  • Module 11: Setting up an Affiliate Program
  • Module 12: Uploading Your Site and Product to Your Server

As you can see, it really shows you everything that you’ll need to know to get your product up and running!

There are also a few bonuses that you can check out below.

Get Lazy Mans Paycheck Now!