Promo Payoff: Getting People to Open Your Email is Easy with This Secret…

Promo Payoff

When it comes to your business, while there are some things you are great at, I bet there are a few things that you could use a little bit of help with.

I know that one of my weaknesses is in sending email. While I think I’m slowly getting better, I always have a hard time coming up with subject lines, and trying to make my emails be in the same voice that someone would hear as if I was talking to them.

But I just purchased something that I know is going to help, and I am SO excited!

It’s from Jimmy D. Brown. Now let me just get this out of the way. I purchase almost everything he releases. Why? Because his stuff is THAT good. So when I heard that he had a new course out, I was excited…but when I saw what the course was on, I was REALLY excited, because I know I could use some help with my emails.

Promo Payoff will help you with your emails. We’re talking about coming up with better subject lines so more people will open your email, as well as better emails themselves, so that you can convince people to click whatever link it is you want them to, or buy whatever you’re selling.

Since I’ve only had it for a little while, I’d be lying if I told you I went through the whole course already. So far, I’ve “flipped” through it, and have gone through part of the first module already, which talks about subject lines and getting people to open your email.

You will learn how to craft better emails with this course. You’ll get more people opening your email, and actually looking forward to getting your emails each day/week.

What you’re really going to love about this course is all of the templates.

It’s one thing to say, “these are the types of things you should do to create a better subject line for your emails”, but it’s another completely to say, “here are some exact titles you can use.”

It will make things SO much easier when you’re trying to get an email set up. You can just skim through the subject lines, pick what you like, and insert your subject and you’re done.

If you have a hard time getting your emails written, you’ll love the 75 “email starters” that will get you going.

There are many other templates as well that you will find helpful.

Even though I’m not finished going through the course yet, I wanted to share this now, so that you can read it along with me as we learn how to craft better emails, and end up having a stronger connection with our lists (and making more money!) as we go.

If that sounds good to you…check out Promo Payoff and all of the templates that come with it.

Get Promo Payoff Now!