Tim Godfrey – Free Report – From $24.95 to $2,495,000 Selling Information Online

If you don’t have much time, I’d suggest you just go now to the bottom of the post and click on the link to make sure you get to see Tim Godfrey, Tim Clayton, and Kate Anderson’s free video and free report entitled: “From $24.95 to $2,495,000 selling information online”.

Having said that, you might be interested in reading the following to hear about why you want this free information…

It’s a well known fact that the “Information Business” is the largest and most profitable online market in the world, and is likely to remain that way for many years to come.

Why is that so?

It’s because each day, there are people all over the world who are online searching for information that will solve their problems, provide solutions, and give answers that will make their lives better, easier, and more efficient.

To them it doesn’t matter what form the information is delivered to them, as long as they get it, and get a result, fast.

This is where you step in.

Is giving information to people something that you are involved in as a business?

If so, that’s great, because what I’m about to tell you can sky-rocket your revenue drastically.

If giving information isn’t a business that you are currently pursuing, then that definitely needs to change as soon as possible for reasons that I’m about to tell you in a few moments.

The free report and video you’re about to get were devised by Tim Godfrey, Steve Clayton (the creators of the Niche and Commission Blueprints) along with the expertise of Kate Anderson, who has been selling info products for nearly ten years and has hundreds of them to her name.

This report reveals how Tim went from making his first sale of the first ebook he created, to putting together (with Steve) a string of hugely successful info products, one of which generated over $2,500,000 in revenue in only 36 hours.

Obviously, it’s a must read.

This is why: It is so important that you take action today, access this content, and also find out more about their upcoming and highly anticipated step-by-step course called “Info Prodigy”.

The truth is this:

People want information, and more often than not are willing to pay you massive sums of money for it, IF you have the solution to the problem or possess the knowledge that they seek.

It’s an amazing opportunity for a number of reasons.

Firstly, creating these types of products (ebooks, videos, audios, etc…) is a business that you can run from home. It requires no previous experience and little or no money to start.

Secondly, the profit margins are ridiculously high, and you could get extremely rich very fast, if you follow the correct formula.

I mean, there are 50 page dieting ebooks out there that are selling at $39 a piece that have amassed nearly 100,000 sales (do the math), and there are numerous instances of these sales numbers in many different markets.

What’s even more incredible is that in each case, the actual writing of these ebooks was an action that the product creator took just ONE time.

Then, the sales from this original effort continue forever, raking in income, even if the creator never did any more work again. Of course, this process can be replicated over and over again.

As I’ve already said, the online information market is already a billion dollar industry, and it’s just going to grow as more of the global population gets online and wants more information.

What does this mean?

More money for you!

Even if you created just a “decent” product, which is very easy to do and can even be outsourced and completed within a week, a five figure payday would not be out of the question.

I don’t know about you, but to me, this makes a whole lot of sense.

I mean, most people when starting out trying to make money online, begin with affiliate marketing as it’s arguably the fastest and easiest way to earn your first buck online.

While that’s true, why be one among thousands when you can have thousands promoting YOUR product?

Creating information products is possible to do with no experience at all, and can also be done alongside your affiliate or ecommerce business, or indeed any other venture that you’re currently pursuing.

As a result, I highly recommend that you check out this video and download the accompanying report (for free) that reveals more about the exact step-by-step formula Tim, Steve, and Kate have used to make millions of dollars online selling information.

Get Your Free Report Now!