A lot of people think that the best type of website to own is a website where other people generate the content for you, generally known as user generated content.
Why? Because why have to spend all of the time and energy creating all of the content on your own when others can generate content for you? You’ll get a lot more content, plus these people will keep coming back to share more.
You know…social networks, image sharing sites, music sharing sites, video sharing sites…those types of sites are huge right now, and will be for a while.
People just love sharing. Remember what you most likely did the last time you saw a cute video you liked? You passed it along to some friends! Many other people do the exact same thing.
Let’s face it…there is probably a good chance that you’ve already shared information and content on more than one website already today!
With this new software, you can do a whole lot of things, but these are the three big ones:
- Run a video sharing website.
- Run a photo sharing website.
- Run a music sharing website.
All of the above are major types of user generated content websites.
These two companies have been working on this brand new software for a long time, and I’m very excited to get to share it with you.