What Does DotComSecrets University Include?

A few months ago, Russell Brunson did something really great, although you might not have heard about it yet.

You probably know that he has a LOT of really great products. Unfortunately, many of those products are $97 a month, so if you’re interested in many of them…it can add up to a LOT of money each month.

Well, Russell realized this, and did something that not many other people would do. He created DotComSecrets University, and combined many of his best monthly products into one. So instead of having to pay $97 each month for each product you want access to, you only have to pay $97 a month, and you get access too all of the products.

Here are just some of the products that are currently included (or will be very soon):

  • MicroContinuity
  • 12 Month Millionaire
  • Apprentice Files
  • SiteFlip Academy
  • Self Improvement (1 and 2)
  • Life Webinar Replay
  • Social List Building
  • Dark Side of DCS

What’s great is that Russell will be adding more products each month. So each month, for the same $97.00, you’ll get access to even more products!

So yes, you will get access to all of the above, and more, for $97 a month.

Actually, right now he’s making the deal even better, but I don’t know how long this part will stick around…

Right now he has a 14-day trial for $9.97. This means that you can see all the great courses, try them out, and make sure that it’s for you before you pay a full monthly fee.

I don’t know about you, but that sounds great to me!

Get your 2-week Trial of DotComSecrets University Now!