What is the Local Marketing Myth?

You’ve probably heard about “Local Marketing” by now, because there are quite a few Local Marketing products out there.

What is Local Marketing? Well, it’s about helping local businesses who are not online, go online.

This way they get to make a lot more money, and you get to make money helping them go online.

Now, what is the Local Marketing Myth?

Russell Brunson found a loophole that everyone else is missing when it comes to Local Marketing.

This loophole is worth tens of thousands of dollars (if not more) to people who grab this opportunity.

You’ll understand why soon, because Russell Brunson just posted a video exposing what he calls the Local Marketing Myth.

If you’re asking yourself, “If he found such a great way to make a lot of money, why isn’t he doing all of this himself?”, I completely understand why you’re wondering about that.

The problem is that he can’t tackle it all by himself. If he really wanted, he could hire a few hundred employees to do it…but he decided it would be better to partner up with you, and let you get a huge piece of the pie.

Plus if you think about all of the local businesses in your area…and then multiply that by all of the towns and cities around you…and then within your state…and then within the country, you’ll see that there are a ton of opportunities, so even with Russell working on it, there is room for a whole lot of other people doing the same thing.

If you wanted to get started INSTANTLY (yes, within 10 minutes from now) – then go watch this short video presentation.

Watch the Local Marketing Myth Video Presentation!