It’s about to be another holiday weekend here in the US. That means there are three days that many people won’t be going in to school or to work. It has me thinking of when people work on their businesses. I definitely plan on spending a little bit of time here and there doing some work. It makes me happy to work on my business. I’m glad to put in an hour here and there to grow it.
We all have the same 24 hours a day, but some people accomplish a lot more than others do. It’s true that some of us have a lot more time to devote to our businesses than others, but we can all find some time if we want to.
Monday – Friday Working Hours
This is when full time entrepreneurs get to work on their business. Other people who still have jobs will be doing their primary job during this time.
If you can, for a lot of people it’s a great time to work as most people are working. This means you won’t be bothered by people who expect you to be available. They’ll be working themselves, and will leave you alone so that you can work done as well.
I am a full time entrepreneur, so most of the hours that I work are in this timeframe. But I do have to say that by design I am not always working every minute of those working hours each day.
Why not? I have many reasons, and you might as well. First of all, I have a young daughter to take care of. She’s in school for most of that time, but not all of it. So during some of it I’m taking care of her.
Another reason is that I really hate going food shopping on the weekends. I don’t like crowds, and try to avoid them. When I go during the day, many times the stores are empty! It’s a wonderful thing.
Yet another thing I like to do in the middle of the day when the weather is nice is go for a walk. Not only does it give me a much needed break from working, but it gets me out of the house. I love to spend time walking around the neighborhood, enjoying the trees, flowers, and even the animals I see on my walks. When I get back inside and get back to work, I find that I’m more focused and get more done than right before the walk.
Early Morning / At Night
Some people are morning people, and love to accomplish more in the early hours than other people do all day long. Others are night owls and would prefer not to work until most people have already gone to sleep. It doesn’t matter if you’re one of the two. If you have a time that you know you’ll get a lot of work done, because you’re “in the zone” then try to make some time during that timeframe so that you can work. If you work well in the morning, it may be worth going to bed early so you can get work done before everyone else wakes up. If you prefer to work at night, maybe you can get up a little later, or at least work instead of watching TV or relaxing at night.
These days, since I don’t always have enough time to work during the day, I try to put in an hour or so in the evening at least a few times a week. Once my daughter goes to sleep, it is nice and quiet. While the television is on, I’ll often do something work-related that doesn’t need too much attention, but that I want to do. Going through my emails is something I like to do during this time. Maybe you can come up with something you can do while you’re relaxing. This way you still get to relax in the evening, but you’re also accomplishing something.
Weekends and Holidays
What do you usually do during the weekend, and on holidays? It’s definitely a good time to take a break and relax. Spend some time with friends and family, run errands, go shopping, etc…
Would you spend any time during a weekend (especially a long holiday weekend like this one) working? Or would you work on a day off? I know a lot of people who would say absolutely not! This is time to be spending with friends and family, or relaxing, or running errands. Why would I want to work during the weekend, or when I get an extra day off?
Weekends and holidays are a great time to get some work done. Usually there is less going on than during the week. Even if you’re with children or other family members, there will hopefully be some time where you can get some work done.
I can tell you what my plans are for this holiday weekend. One afternoon I’ll be spending time with a friend I haven’t seen in a few months. One day I’ll be relaxing, and part of another day I’ll be spending time with family. I love when there is a holiday weekend and there’s more time to spend with my daughter and husband, and just relax. Or see some loved ones we haven’t seen in a while.
I can tell you what else I’ll be doing. I’ll be working. It’ll be an hour here and an hour there. It won’t interrupt any of my friends and family time, and it definitely won’t interrupt any of my relaxation time. I can’t wait to spend some of it working in fact. I consider it “free” time, because I don’t usually expect to put in much time over the weekends, or a holiday. To me, that means I can work on anything that I want! I can do something that I’ve been wanting to do, but felt like it wasn’t a top priority and so it has been put off. Or I can spend some time working on one of the projects I’m working on right now (such as creating a new product) so that when Tuesday rolls around, I’m a little farther along.
When I work during a holiday weekend, I’m happy. It remind me of how lucky I am that I get to do something that I enjoy for a living. Most of the tasks of my business are things I like to do. I don’t feel put out to have to do them on a weekend, holiday, or at night. In fact, it makes me feel even better about my business.
Whether you have a full time business, a part time one, or haven’t even started one yet, find something that you enjoy doing. Then you’ll be happy to put all of the time into it that you can to make it successful.
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